Kingdom Soul Care

Spiritual Direction, Workshops, Retreats, Enneagram Coaching

Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to Me. Get away with Me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with Me and work with Me — watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. Matthew 11:28-29


God is always with us and loving us, but we get distracted and weary in our hurried and busy lives. We slip into serving God and each other out of compulsion and comparison while our souls are longing for authenticity and rest in his presence. Kingdom Soul Care offers prayerful listening and spiritual practices that invite you into self-awareness, authenticity, and freedom to be your true self. How might God be inviting you to care for your soul in this season?

Transformation in becoming your true self in Christ begins with self-awareness in God's loving presence and then nurturing a deeper attachment with him. As we awaken and commune with Him, we then live in emotionally healthy freedom. This spiritual formation has deep roots in our Christian faith.

"Lord, let me know myself; let me know You." — Augustine, Confessions

Spiritual Direction

Spiritual direction offers companionship for your spiritual journey, believing God is active in every area of life - at home, work, play, and worship. This ministry of listening and discernment invites personal reflection on your life experiences and struggles. Our confidential and compassionate conversation will hopefully draw you into a deeper intimacy with God and enable you to become the person God created you to be.

The spiritual life is a treacherous journey when we travel alone. Spiritual directors are companions on this listen, help us clarify motivations, and recognize destructive patterns...who don’t judge us or tell us what to do. We need people who encourage us to reach within and listen to the Holy Spirit for our directions for the future, and who challenge us to stand up and reclaim our identity as the beloved sons and daughters we are. - Henri Nouwen, Home Tonight

Silent Directed Retreats

Retreat is a “planned assault on compulsive busyness, a form of radical surgery to help you slow down and live into the unhurried pace of eternity.”  — Sara Park McLaughlin, Meeting God in Silence

A retreat creates space to step away from daily responsibilities to spend time with God. It is not so much a time to learn new things as to remember some of the things we’ve forgotten and soak in God’s presence, word, and transforming love.

Every retreat is unique, and people attest to finding the Lord meets them in new ways. Expect to encounter our Lord in a fresh way!

Our retreats will include: 
  • Soaking Worship
  • Scripture meditations 
  • Opportunities for personal ministry
  • Silence and solitude 

We don’t withdraw to escape our lives. We withdraw for the time and space apart to focus our full loving attention on God so that we can return to our lives filled with the peace and joy that comes only from God. — Jane Vennard, Be Still

Silence restores equilibrium. It enables us to deepen our relationship with God and to be ourselves. — Sara Park McLaughlin

What retreatants have shared about their experience:

  • A time to get in touch with God without a lot of distractions, to let Him minister to you.
  • The best part of the retreat was the many opportunities to enter into solitude and rest. The most helpful was Lisa's teaching and sharing on scripture. She acted as a spiritual guide into what was a timely invitation for me. It was refreshing, a time to slow down and open up to really hear from the Lord and to receive from Him!
  • God showed up immediately. From the first moment, God was present. Space was provided for teaching and guidance as needed, and then plenty of space for alone time with God. He was in every moment!!
  • This was a great time to connect with the Lord, to sense His presence. To have time to communicate with Him in an unhurried manner. There is a real presence of God in these retreats.

racine beach

Click here to add your name to the contact list for further information as it becomes available.
Read about one of our recent retreats here.

Would you prefer a Personal Retreat?

Jesus calls, “Come away with me. We will go to a quiet place to be alone. There we will get some rest.”  Mark 6:31


I am excited to offer several self-guided retreat options for your personal use. Go wherever and whenever it works for you. Each video and corresponding reflections are only $20!

You may want to give one as a gift!

Retreat series: SAYING YES TO GOD. What we say yes to, and what we say no to, shapes the trajectory of the rest of our lives. We desire to live in full agreement with God and give Him our YES.

  • SIMPLICITY.  Mary demonstrated the simplicity of believing and receiving a word from God. Can we echo Mary's response of, “Yes, Lord. Let it be to me according to Your word”? (30 min.)
  • SURRENDER.  Surrender to the Father's will. Can we give our full surrender and pray with Jesus, “Father, not My will, but Yours be done"? (39 min.)
  • TRANSPARENCY.  Being known by God. We are invited to confess with Peter, “Lord, You know everything. You know I love You.” (37 min.)
  • STANDING FIRM. Standing firm in worship and in the battle today. Can we stand firm against the schemes of the devil and be strong in the strength of the Lord’s might? (42 min.)

Get more information about each video and order here

After you choose a video, you will receive a link for it the next day in your email along with the Reflection Questions for further meditation and journaling. As a bonus, I am including a FREE gift of my new "Personal Retreat Guide" to download and get you started. It offers suggestions to prepare for your retreat, practical tips, a possible schedule for your day, and guides for prayer and journaling.

Immanuel Prayer

Immanuel prayer for your inner healing journey starts with the presumption that God is always present and longs for a deeper connection with each of us. In this facilitated session, you will be guided to connect with God on a deeply intimate level, most often in the context of a memory of appreciation. As your attachment deepens, your interaction with God brings more joy, healing, and freedom from fears and inner vows that result from trauma.

No matter where one is on his/her spiritual journey there is always more of God to experience in deeper intimacy and connection. Facilitated Immanuel Prayer increases one’s capacity for grace for yourself as well as for others. The goal is emotional maturity found in a securely attached relationship with God.

Enneagram Coaching

The Enneagram can be a very effective tool in our spiritual formation journey. It provides a helpful framework to describe how we each amazingly reflect God’s image (our True-Self), as well as how our sin patterns can distort and mar that image (our False-Self). The Enneagram opens you to an extraordinary view to the truth about you. It can help you recognize your unique gifting. It is simply a 9-point diagram and tool for self-discovery and personal growth based on nine basic personality styles that describe the ways you think, feel, and behave based on your core fears and motivations. The journey invites you to know God and yourself, and have deeper compassion for others.

Workshops and one-on-one coaching invite you to live more fully awake in your true self identity in Christ.


I offer workshops on the following topics:

  • Spiritual Disciplines
  • Enneagram Personality Styles
  • Enneagram and Ignatian Spirituality for Discernment
  • Soul Care
  • Immanuel Journaling & Lifestyle


One-on-one sessions (either online or in person in Elgin), retreats and workshops offer opportunities to get away from the everyday demands and routines, facilitate our spiritual journey together, and make space to rest in God’s presence and find freedom, wholeness and our true identity.


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